“Leadership Alchemy” is essential reading for anyone who says they are or aspires to be a true leader. Maiken pulls together, in an incredibly understandable, impactful and holistic way, all the essential ingredients to understanding and prompting true leadership....... |
“Maiken has brilliantly combined a deep knowledge of spiritual intelligence and her experience as a leadership consultant to create an outstanding book. If you think about the leaders you most admire you will see they share certain characteristics: authenticity, noble purpose, courage, and wisdom...... |
“With great skill and accomplishment, Maiken brings together her extensive knowledge of our evolutionary journey as human beings and her deep, intuitive wisdom of what it means to touch the ineffable Source that is always present for us on the other side of our day-to-day reality........ |
THE CHAPTERSIntroduction – Awakening the inner Alchemist
Part 1: Mapping human potential Chapter 1 - Woo-woo or Wisdom? Spiritual intelligence, the intelligence of your greatest potential Chapter 2 – Bringing a map The skills of spiritual intelligence Part 2: The Inner Journey Begins Chapter 3 - YOU ARE WHOLE The journey back to wholeness Chapter 4 - YOU ARE CHANGE Purpose is not what you do, it is who you are Chapter 5 - YOU ARE PART OF A WHOLE The Universe has your back Chapter 6 - YOU ARE WISE Know less and decide right Chapter 7 - YOU ARE A CREATOR Doing through being Chapter 8 - YOU ARE THE STUDENT AND THE MASTER The art of discipline Part 3: The Ripple Effect of Visionary Leaders Chapter 9 - WHOLESOME BUSINESS Changing the story of business Chapter 10 - IGNITING THE SPIRIT OF BUSINESS Purposeful business is meaningful business Chapter 11 - CREATING A CULTURE OF WHOLENESS Thriving together Chapter 12 - LEADING FROM WITHIN The style of Leadership Alchemy Chapter 13 - VISIONING INFINITE POSSIBILITIES What is yours to do? 10 TIPS FROM SPIRITUALLY INTELLIGENT LEADERS The SQ21 - 21 Skills of Spiritual Intelligence |
"The chances are that you and I have never met. Regardless, I know something about you, which you might not even fully know yourself. What would you say if I told you: You are a powerful creator of reality, that you possess inner alchemical power to transform reality in magical ways that serve the potential of you and also humanity? If you can’t already say yes to this now, hopefully there will be a resounding ‘yes’ in you by the time you turn the last page of this book. The pages you are about to dive into are an invitation to bring the truth of your authentic essence into your leadership to create a better world. It is a call to awaken the inner alchemist that exists in you and to use your transformational powers to actualise golden potential that serves you and humanity. I don’t know how much you already know about alchemy but perhaps you have heard about alchemists of the past who were known as scientists practicing the proto-scientific art of purifying, maturing and perfecting certain materials. The quest of these early day scientists was to transform base metals into gold, find cures, and discover the elixir of life. However, as we dive deeper into the understanding of alchemical secrets, the laboratory experiments reveal a deeper truth. The physical expressions of experimentation and creation are merely symbolic reflections of what happens in the alchemist’s inner laboratory. Alchemists knew that purification of the inner world – of human consciousness – is the only authentic source of refined creations in the outer world. These masters of alchemy were really Masters of what was simply called The Art – the art of transforming the outer world through transformation of our inner world. The art of alchemy is based on a spiritual and scientific understanding of the true nature of reality, and our relationship with it. Alchemists of the past and of the present know we are both the creators of reality and the creative potential of reality. Every moment, we create and co-create reality through who we are being, what we choose to say, do, think, feel and believe. The creative potential exists within us. Through the art of alchemy, we can serve infinite possibilities of reality. The questions are, how aware are we of the creative power we have, and how consciously do we choose to use our innate powers of creation, and for what purpose? Alchemists believe in the ultimate, and know that each individual has the power to realise the golden potential of new realities. To succeed they are dedicated to the quest of the Philosopher’s Stone, which is a term you’ll hear throughout this book. The Philosopher’s Stone is symbolic. It is symbolic of the golden essence we all innately carry within us that frees the individual and brings salvation to the world. It is symbolic of the awakened consciousness that shines freely when we have transformed the lead of our human psyche into its true, authentic nature. The Philosopher’s Stone is the actualisation of our authentic, human nature that can redeem the entire cosmos. To bring forth the Philosopher’s Stone within and master alchemy, it is necessary to develop our spiritual intelligence. Spiritual intelligence is the intelligence of the Philosopher’s Stone, which we all carry within. Spiritual intelligence is the wisdom and innate intelligence of our true, authentic nature, which enables us to access a deeper understanding of reality and actualise golden potential. Spiritual intelligence is the intelligence of our potential expressed in the world. Leadership Alchemy is an invitation to walk a path of inner leadership that brings forth your full inner power to create and nurture a greater existence for all. It is a call to remember what alchemists knew, that the gold we seek is not to be found through any searching and experimenting in the outer world, but in the inner laboratory of our own consciousness. I propose that pursuing an inner path of leadership is the only way to bring ourselves and the world into a reality where balance and thriving are central to our existence and where magic can unfold. It is time to awaken the alchemist within each of us, and let ancient mystical wisdom remind us of our authentic power to know the deeper truths of life, create gold, and serve the thriving of all existence......" |